Tus nqi tsim nyog Soft Felt rau Thaum tshav kub kub Thermal rwb thaiv tsev khoom Carbon Graphite Roller

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Semicera Energy Technology Co., Ltd. yog ib tug ua lag luam ntawm advanced semiconductor ceramics thiab tib lub chaw tsim tshuaj paus nyob rau hauv Suav teb uas muaj peev xwm ib txhij muab high-purity silicon carbide ceramic (tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov Recrystallized SiC) thiab CVD SiC txheej.Tsis tas li ntawd, peb lub tuam txhab kuj tau cog lus rau cov teb ceramic xws li alumina, aluminium nitride, zirconia, thiab silicon nitride, thiab lwm yam.


Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Our growth depends to the superior products ,great talents and repeatedly strengthened technology forces for Reasonable price Soft Felt for Heat Thermal Insulation Material Carbon Graphite Roller, Peb sov siab txais tos cov neeg koom tes lag luam los ntawm txhua qhov chaw ntawm lub neej niaj hnub, be expecting to establish helpful and cooperative enterprise contact nrog koj thiab ua kom tiav lub hom phiaj yeej-yeej.
Peb txoj kev loj hlob yog nyob ntawm cov khoom zoo tshaj, cov txuj ci zoo thiab rov ua kom muaj zog thev naus laus zis ntau ntxiv rauTuam Tshoj Graphite Felt thiab Rigid Felt, Peb cov khoom muag feem ntau yog xa tawm mus rau South Asia, Middle East, North America thiab Europe.Peb qhov zoo yog muaj tseeb guaranteed.Yog tias koj txaus siab rau ib qho ntawm peb cov khoom lossis xav tham txog kev txiav txim siab, nco ntsoov tiv tauj peb.Peb tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej los tsim kev lag luam kev sib raug zoo nrog cov neeg siv khoom tshiab thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau yav tom ntej.

Product details

Khoom npe

Graphite Felt

Tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg

Carbon fiber ntau

Qhov ntom ntom

0.12-0.14g / cm3

Cov ntsiab lus carbon

> = 99%

Tensile zog

0.14 Mpa

Thermal conductivity (1150 ℃)

0.08 ~ 0.14W / mk


<= 0.005%

Crushing kev nyuaj siab

8-10N / cm3


1-10 hli

Ua haujlwm kub

2500 (℃)

Qhov ntom ntom (g / cm3): 0.22-0.28
Tensile zog (Mpa): 2.5 (Deformation 5%)
Thermal conductivity (W/mk): 0.15-0.25 (25) 0.40-0.45 (1400)
Kev Tiv Thaiv Tshwj Xeeb (Ohm.cm): 0.18-0.22
Cov ntsiab lus carbon (%): ≥99
Cov ntsiab lus tshauv (%): ≤0.6
Moisture Absorption (%): ≤1.6
Purification Nplai: Hight Purity
Ua Haujlwm Kub: 1450-2000


Tam sim no muaj plaub qib muaj los muab cov khoom nyoos lossis ua tiav:
SCRF: Purified kho graphite fiber nyuaj, kev kho cua sov kub siab tshaj 1900 ℃
SCRF-P: Siab purified RGB nyuaj siab
SCRF-LTC: Purified solidified graphite fiber nyuaj xav, kev kho cua sov kub siab tshaj 1900 ℃, nrog zoo thermal rwb thaiv tsev kev ua tau zoo
SCRF-LTC-P: Siab purified RGB-LTC nyuaj siab

Muaj Qhov Loj:
Phaj: 1500 * 1800 (Max) Thickness 20-200mm
Round nruas: 1500 * 2000 (Max) Thicknes 20-150mm
Square nruas: 1500 * 1500 * 2000 (Max) Thickness 60-120mm
Kev ntsuas kub: 1250-2600

Corrosion Resistant Graphite Composite Carbon Fiber Felt

Field of applications:
• Lub tshuab nqus tsev vacuum
• Inert gas furnaces
• Kev kho cua sov (hardening, carbonization, brazing, thiab lwm yam)
• Carbon fiber ntau lawm
• Hard hlau ntau lawm
•Sintering daim ntaub ntawv
•Technical ceramic ntau lawm
• CVD/PVD coasting

High-Performance Graphite Composite Carbon Fiber Felt
High Quality Graphite Rigid Felt

Semicera Chaw Ua Haujlwm Semicera chaw ua haujlwm 2 Cov cuab yeej siv tshuab CNN ua, tshuaj ntxuav, CVD txheej Peb qhov kev pabcuam

Our growth depends to the superior products ,great talents and repeatedly strengthened technology forces for Reasonable price Soft Felt for Heat Thermal Insulation Material Carbon Graphite Roller, Peb sov siab txais tos cov neeg koom tes lag luam los ntawm txhua qhov chaw ntawm lub neej niaj hnub, be expecting to establish helpful and cooperative enterprise contact nrog koj thiab ua kom tiav lub hom phiaj yeej-yeej.
Tus nqi tsim nyogTuam Tshoj Graphite Felt thiab Rigid Felt, Peb cov khoom muag feem ntau yog xa tawm mus rau South Asia, Middle East, North America thiab Europe.Peb qhov zoo yog muaj tseeb guaranteed.Yog tias koj txaus siab rau ib qho ntawm peb cov khoom lossis xav tham txog kev txiav txim siab, nco ntsoov tiv tauj peb.Peb tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej los tsim kev lag luam kev sib raug zoo nrog cov neeg siv khoom tshiab thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau yav tom ntej.

  • Yav dhau los:
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